Joyfully celebrating my faith in Christ, I join with my brothers and
sisters of WMC in the following Covenant of Membership:
I believe in God as my Creator and Heavenly Father, and desire to walk
with Him.
I believe in Jesus Christ as God’s Son, my Savior and Lord of my life.
I believe in the Holy Spirit who has called me into covenant with the
loving God. I am open to Spiritual Gifts which the Holy Spirit gives.
I believe in the Scriptures as inspired by God through the Holy Spirit.
With my brothers and sisters, as God gives me grace, I understand
faithfulness to Christ and his Church to include:
1. Faithful attendance at church services and meetings
2. Systematic and proportionate First Fruits giving of the resources of
which God has made me a steward.
3. A readiness to serve in various ministries of the church, moving at
the Spirit’s direction to the limits of my ability.
4. Humble efforts to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of
peace and love, seeking to unify and edify others, and to stand
against all attempts of Satan to create division.
5. A demonstration of Christ’s active love to a lost and needy world
divided by nationalism, race, and class struggles. I commit myself to
actions of love and peace rather than hatred and violence.
6. A commitment to discerning Christ-like simplicity and purity in
life style, business practice, personal appearance, and conduct.
7. A readiness to give and receive counsel from one another and other
members of Christ’s Body.
I joyfully covenant myself to the Body of Christ with my brothers and sisters of the Western Mennonite Church. It is my desire to walk together as we allow the Light of Christ to shine through us in the community and in the world.